03 Jul 2024
Homeowners | 6 min read

Best Lawn Fertilizer Tips – From Preparation To Application

Every lawn is different, and every resident has different goals. Whether you aim to allow a particular type of grass to thrive, want to build a stronger turf or simply wish to keep weed-free green lawn, properly timed fertili...

20 Mar 2023
Homeowners | 6 min read

How to Aerate and Dethatch Your Lawn

When to Begin Aerating Your Lawn Lawn aeration can have a major impact on the health of your yard. It relieves soil compaction, which leads to deeper grassroots that respond better to water and fertilizer. It's also essential...

06 Mar 2023
Homeowners | 4 min read

Tips for Getting Your Yard Ready for Summer

As the days get warmer and flowers begin to bloom, many homeowners are making plans to prepare their yards for the hot summer ahead. Preparing a yard for summer can feel like a daunting task but the good news? It doesn't have...

26 Oct 2022
Homeowners | 3 min read

Why You Should Keep Your Rain Gutters Clean

How to Clean Your Rain Gutters Rain gutters may be something you don’t think about too often but are essential to the overall protection and safety of your home. If rain gutters are not kept clean, they can cause significant ...

24 Oct 2022
Homeowners | 4 min read

Fall Lawn Care Tips

Most people think of spring as the peak season to take care of their lawns, but for a lawn to thrive during the spring, you’ll need to keep it healthy during the fall. Get started with prep for next year by following these fa...

12 Aug 2022
Homeowners | 4 min read

6 Flowers to Plant in Late Summer

While spring may be the most common season to tend to your flower garden, that doesn’t mean you can’t grow something beautiful this fall! August is often the perfect time to start planting because it encourages root growth in...

05 Mar 2021
Homeowners | 4 min read

Safe Haven: Protecting Your Home Sanctuary

The phrase “home, safe and sound” has taken on a far more profound meaning since the advent of the global pandemic. A June 2020 survey reported that some 40% of Americans were working from home due to the virus. Cities across...

01 Sep 2020
Homeowners | 5 min read

Indoor Gardening During Quarantine: What to Know

Due to social distancing requirements, large communal gardens are not a viable option right now. What’s more, many urban residents aren’t afforded much greenspace. But that doesn’t mean we can’t pack micro-farms onto our wind...

13 Jul 2020
Homeowners | 7 min read

History of Lawn Care [Infographic]

In 2005, NASA researchers found that grass covers 49,000 square miles of terrain in the United States, making it the nation’s largest irrigated crop by area. BBC America estimates that grasslands cover 25% of all land on eart...

30 Jun 2020
Homeowners | 5 min read

Tips for Finding the Right Landscaping Company

To stay on top of the hustle and bustle of life, countless people are transitioning to hiring a landscaper instead of performing their own lawn maintenance. The switch will free you from the time and stress that come with att...

03 Jun 2020
Homeowners | 6 min read

Best Apps for Busy Homeowners

Being a homeowner can be challenging when it comes to staying on top of tasks around your house. Whether it’s fixing a broken furnace, deciding what painting to hang on the wall, or anything in between, there are ways to make...

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