Tips for Finding the Right Landscaping Company

Written by Katie Casaday
on June 30, 2020

To stay on top of the hustle and bustle of life, countless people are transitioning to hiring a landscaper instead of performing their own lawn maintenance. The switch will free you from the time and stress that come with attempting to keep your yard perfect. Although hiring a landscaping company may seem like a significant expense if you’re used to doing it yourself, the benefits of hiring a professional will far outweigh the cons.

Benefits of Hiring a Landscaping Company

Are you still trying to decide if hiring a landscaping company is worth it? Some benefits of hiring a landscaping company:

  • Watch your yard transform from the comfort of your home
  • Yard gets attended to when you are busy or unavailable
  • Protect yourself from injury from a lawnmower or other equipment malfunctions
  • Don’t have to buy and maintain your own equipment
  • Professionals know exactly how to diagnose and treat problems specific to your yard

Beyond hiring a landscaping company, you need to find the company that will keep your yard in tiptop condition. A botched landscaping job can dramatically decrease the value of your home. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind to find the right landscaping company.

Know What You Want

Before researching landscaping companies, make sure you know exactly what services you want them to provide. Different companies have different specialties and can tell you right off the bat if they can meet your needs.

Do you want a weekly lawn mow? Are you looking for someone to maintain your flower beds? Are you planning on completely redesigning your backyard? Even if you are only looking for someone to provide basic lawn care services for now and tentatively plan on a redesign later, you should let the prospective company know. They will be able to tell you if they are a good fit and can provide those services, so you don’t have to go through the process of finding a new company later on.planting flowers

Verify That Landscapers are Insured

Before getting into the prices and services, you should verify that they have insurance. Ask to see their certificate of insurance and check the insurance policies. Every landscaper should have adequate general liability coverage, so you aren’t hit with unexpected bills.

To get an idea of a sufficient insurance policy, TaskEasy landscapers are required to carry a $1,000,000 general liability policy.

Why should you care about insurance? It’s usually the first step to ensuring that you are working with a legitimate landscaping company instead of somebody who just bought their first lawnmower. With insurance, the landscaper is more likely to assume responsibility for accidents, such as property damage. It is in your best interest to hire someone that has insurance.

Understand the Price

Price is clearly something that you need to take into account when hiring a landscaping company. Get detailed quotes from the potential companies and find out how they formulate their prices. That way, you can understand how much you are paying for labor, machinery, and materials.

After receiving your quotes, don’t disregard a company because they have listed a higher price. Even if there is a wide price range for the same services from each company, the cheapest landscaper isn’t automatically the best option. You get what you pay for. There is still much more to consider to find the right company.

Check for an Online Presence

Most reputable companies will have an online presence. Look for companies with a Facebook page, Google listing, or information on another website. The amount and type of reviews will give you an understanding of the company’s quality of work and experience.

  • If a company has mostly good reviews, it is more likely to be an experienced company that has perfected their skills and guarantees quality work.
  • If a company has bad reviews and you have limited options, don’t dismiss it right away. You may want to talk to the owner and find out how they are actively working to improve their business to set your mind at ease.
  • If a company has no reviews, it’s most likely a newer company. You will have to depend on other means, like referrals, to see if it’s the right company for you.
looking at computer

Ask For Referrals

When investigating landscaping companies, ask for referrals. You can contact past clients and see photos of work that the company has done. Confirm with the referrals that their work is up to the standard the company claims to be.

Talk to People You Know

Pay special attention to the homes around you with yards that are in pristine condition. Ask those neighbors, family members, and friends for recommendations of who to hire (or even who to avoid). People you know will usually give you the most trustworthy advice about what landscaping company is worth doing business with.

Test the Customer Service

Is customer service something you value? To test a landscaper’s customer service, give them a call and see what response you get. It will be a sign of how they will treat you after they’re hired. Imagine the headache you’d get from working with them if they never return your calls!

When working with any company, you want to make sure that they listen to your concerns and address them. Do they answer your phone calls and/or emails promptly? Are they considerate of your needs when you talk to them?

Most landscaping companies are small businesses that aren’t always available during business hours. TaskEasy has a dedicated customer service team available to answer questions all day through your preferred method of communication.

Take Time to Decide

Remember that you are trusting a company so that your yard is always summer party-ready. Don’t rush to a decision after finding one company that seems to check all the boxes. Shop around. Compare companies and what they offer. 

When All Else Fails, Contact TaskEasy

Does finding the right landscaping company sound like a big job? It is, but it doesn’t have to be. TaskEasy does all the dirty work by screening thousands of landscaping companies and continuously assessing their work, so you don’t have to sweat it. The top insured landscapers across the nation are already in TaskEasy’s network, ready to take on your lawn. Schedule a lawn care service at the click of a button today.




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