UVEF Hot 100: Top 10 Winners

Written by TaskEasy
on February 02, 2016

The Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF) is a non-profit that has been recognizing Utah entrepreneurs for 25 years. UVEF’s Hot 100 Award is sponsored by EPIC Ventures and recognizes the 100 most talked about companies in Utah. This award is exclusively for companies under 5 years old and it’s exciting to get to see all of the young companies that are changing the world of business each year.

We were thrilled to find out that TaskEasy was among the top 100 companies this year because there are so many companies in Utah doing amazing things. We immediately let TaskEasy employees and followers know and unabashedly asked for their vote. The final results were determined by public voting (⅔) and internal UVEF voting (⅓) and TaskEasy made it to the top 10! We are honored to be listed amongst some of the  most innovative companies in Utah.

Check out the winners and get to know these companies a little bit better below.

Top 10 Companies (No correlation between position of names and voting results):

  1. Alliance Health

AllianceHealthLogo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

Alliance Health personalizing and simplifies the process of condition management by connecting people to prescriptions, resources, and support. Not only do they provide a valuable service, they work closely with nonprofits in Utah to give back to the community.

  1. Domo

DomoLogo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

Domo has created a platform that lets businesses view all of their data in one place in order to make faster and better-informed decisions. They make transforming data accessible for everyone, even those who aren’t completely tech savvy.

  1. SaltStack

SaltStackLogo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

SaltStack’s systems management software helps cloud builders, data center operators, and enterprise IT organizations automate tasks within the cloud with speed and flexibility. They’ve taken a new approach to infrastructure by developing software that is easy enough to get running in seconds.

  1. TaskEasy


taskeasy, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

TaskEasy is the first company to apply the services-on-demand model to home exterior services nationwide. Their mission is to make buying home exterior services as easy for customers as buying any other product online, while helping reliable contractors generate more business.

  1. EventBoard

eventboardlogo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

EventBoard believes that work shouldn’t suck so they’ve built a platform that makes booking meetings more efficient than ever. Their cloud-based platform has employee-focused meeting tools and activity-driven insights so you can improve how meetings are planned and executed.

  1. MX

MXlogo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

MX provides financial institutions with the technology they need to win new account holders and solidify long-term relationships. By comparing and analyzing competitor data, financial institutions can improve account holders’ banking experiences and ultimately improve their quality of life.

  1. NUVI

NuviLogo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

NUVi is a social media platform but what sets them apart is their beautiful, real-time data visualizations. These visualizations help social media strategists make informed decisions as quickly as possible while seeing results.

  1. Cotopaxi

cotopaxi, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

Cotopaxi doesn’t just make top-notch outdoor products, they have made a commitment to focus their efforts towards alleviating global poverty and to give targeted grants to advance health, education, and livelihoods initiatives worldwide. We also named them as one of our top 5 startups that are giving back to our community.

  1. Instructure

instructure-logo, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

Instructure began with Canvas in 2011 with the goal to make teaching and learning easier. In 2015, they launched Bridge, which addresses employee engagement and corporate training. These platforms have revolutionized the way students, teachers, employees, and managers learn, teach, and work.


  1. Lucid Software

lucidsoftware, Utah Venture Entrepreneur Forum (UVEF)

Lucid Software creates powerful cloud-based tools that allow anyone to create compelling and attractive visual content. They are the creators of Lucidchart, a flow chart maker that makes building online diagrams easy and Lucidpress, a design tool that allows users to quickly create print and digital material.

There you have it, 10 extraordinary companies that make us proud to be based in Utah. Thanks for all of the votes and support, we truly appreciate it.


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