5 Lawn Care Myths - Debunked

Written by Colby Shosted
on June 16, 2015

Lawn care myths can be found everywhere. Don’t let your mother or neighbor fool you into making some of these common lawn care mistakes.

Myth #1: All Grass is Created Equal

Research your grass typeGrass can be quite complicated and if not cared for properly it could be detrimental to your lawn’s health. Each grass type has it’s own user manual for caring and nurturing, and requires the appropriate amount of cutting, watering and fertilizing. If you are unsure as to what type of grass your lawn is made up of, consult your TaskEasy contractor.

Myth #2: Lowering Your Blades Makes it so You Don’t Have to Cut as Often

Adjust your blade heightDefinitely a mistake you only make once. Lowering your blades in an effort to mow your lawn less often, can significantly cause damage to your lawn.

When cut too short, your lawn’s roots can be overexposed to the sun’s rays causing your lawn to turn brown. Ensuring your mower blade is raised during hot summer months will provide much needed shade to your lawn’s roots and will make for a greener and healthier lawn.

Myth #3: Bag Your Clippings

mulch your lawn clippings

Mulching instead of bagging your clippings will add more nutrients to your lawn and can make it easier and faster to cut.

Did you know your grass clippings are composed of mostly water? Once cut, your clippings will quickly break down and blend in with your lawn’s soil, adding nitrogen and moisture to your lawn. Nitrogen is an essential component to a healthy lawn and is a key ingredient found in most fertilizers. For more information on mulching click here.

Myth #4: Mow in the Same Pattern

It can sometimes be difficult to break a routine, but when it comes to your lawn’s health it’s necessary. Mowing your lawn in the same pattern time-after-time can deprive your lawn from sunlight, water and other much needed nutrients your lawn needs to stay healthy.

Mowing vertically one week and then horizontally the next week, can help keep your grass blades strong while causing them to stand up straight, introducing your soil to more nutrients.

Myth #5: Save Money, Water by Hand

water by hand

Using a handle nozzle to water your lawn may be more ineffective than you think. In most cases people who water their lawn by hand have been known to overwater certain areas, while leaving others areas of their lawn behind. This can quickly lead to overwatering brown patches and an increase in your water bill.   

Traditionally speaking, sprinkler systems can use up to three times the amount of water required for your lawn and have been known to be on the expensive side. However, due to recent advances in technology, sprinkler systems are able to conserve more water than ever. Most newer sprinkler systems are updated and equipped with smart technology that can help regulate watering times by sensing rain and moisture in the air. These more advanced systems produce larger water droplets and are more wind resistant to deliver water to the desired areas at a slower pace. Overtime, updating your irrigation system can save you up to 20% on your water bill.

To learn more about how to save money by conserving water click here.
Need more help? TaskEasy has a vast network of contractors who are ready to help you with your next project. To get a quote on lawn mowing, just click the button below. 



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