On-Demand Jobs Feature

    *** Not all markets will have access to the On-Demand Jobs Feature ***

    The On-Demand Jobs feature allows you to add more work to your schedule based on the availability of jobs in your area. There is no guarantee of on-demand jobs, it’s first come first served and based on available jobs. 

    This feature is best used one of two ways:

    • You have completed as many jobs on your current schedule as you were able and now you would like more work.
    You do not have any jobs on your schedule and you would like to request work that day.

    Benefits of Using On-Demand Jobs
    • These jobs will be in addition to the regularly assigned work from TaskEasy.
    • Allows you to request additional work in real-time after you’ve completed as much as you can of the regularly assigned work.
    • If you are not signed up to get regularly assigned work, you can work as little or as much as you want with TaskEasy.
    • You will be able to use your current location or a specific starting location to set the work area.
    • You can control how much work you request.
    • You can use it for your team profiles and the pricing information will not show. 

    What You Will See