Fast Pay Cash Back Promotion

    If you enroll in FastPay between April 1, 2024 - April 30, 2024 you will receive 2% cashback for all eligible FastPay transactions completing in April. The cashback will be deposited in your account weekly, beginning the week of your enrollment. 


    • To be eligible to participate in the cash back promotion you must not currently be enrolled in FastPay and your account must be in good standing. If you are not currently enrolled in FastPay and enroll in FastPay during April, you will receive 2% cash back for all FastPay payment transactions during April. The cash back offer ends on April 29, 2024.
    • During the April promotion, you will initially pay the standard 3.9% FastPay fee for each transaction. Each Monday you will be issued 2% cash back for the prior week's FastPay transactions. 

    For example, if you received a FastPay payment on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, each payment will incur a 3.9% transaction fee. Those FastPay transactions will qualify for the 2% cash back, which will be issued to you at the beginning of the next week. 

    • The 2% cash back will be posted to your bank account within 24-48 hours of processing. 
    • TaskEasy reserves the right to determine eligibility for the cash back program. 

    Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 2.07.02 PM